Recent Freedom of Information Act revelations show that when the Monica Lewinsky scandal happened, The White House put a senior White House adviser named Sidney Blumenthal on the job as character assassination lead. He was missioned with defaming Monica.

This is now well documented in the mainstream media and studied in university social ethics classes. I the White House, Obama's Robert Gibbs and Jay Carney are now accused of running the modern day equivalent.

While this may seem horrific for the "highest office in the land", it is more of the rule than the exception.

Some people work in the White House merely to steer hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money to their friends pockets, or campaign backer/employers pockets. Campaign backers are, more often than not, insane ego-maniacal billionaires who think they are untouchable because they have bought all of the power they want.

These kinds of people ignore the law, morality or ethics and exist purely to show off to the other insane billionaires in their good ole' boys club. They will stoop to anything; a character assassination, or even a real assassination, is not out of the question for them.

The procedure uses an auxiliary unit of the White House press office. The auxiliary unit never uses official emails. They conduct their work with personal text messages, personal emails and lunch meetings. They trade access for a hatchet job article on an enemy. They maintain a direct link with tabloids, such as the Gawker Media syndicate, in order to machine gun an opponent with fake blogger comments and hit-job articles. They have "special project IT Consultants" go into the career databases at Axciom, Dun and Bradstreet, and all of the other services recruiters use, and put fake negative comments about the target so they can kill their career. They have a thousand "trade-craft" tools in their dirty war-chest. Some of them are ex CIA.

Is it illegal? VERY MUCH SO!

Can you catch them? The answer used to be no...but, now that everybody knows that every email, restaurant camera, text message and other communication system since 2001 has been recorded, logged, archived and analyzed by multiple federal agencies; maybe now you can!

How Obama White House Press Staff and Campaign Billionaires maintain a team of 'Assassins' to take out U.S. citizens they don't like?

'Wet Work' or murder-for-hire resulting in dead bodies, inside the United States, is highly frowned upon and constitutional illegal. But what if you could kill people that bugged you without causing a dead body?

The one way you can kill people, inside the United States, is called 'Character Assassination'.

This process destroys the career, brand, friends, income, savings, reputation and world of the target
in such a manner that, for all intents and purposes, they are dead.

The suspicious resignations of Robert Gibbs, Jay Carney and a host of associated West Wing staff have led credence to this theory relative to timing, revelations and whistle-blower reports from former White House staff. Campaign billionaires that they answered to, are known to have paid for some of the attack campaigns.

In addition to the hit stories that are put out, all of the databases (ie: Axciom), that any hiring manager might ever use to background check you for a job application, are tainted with false information about you; and your credit rating is crashed on other databases. 'Honey Traps' are launched on you, followed by a host of other dirty tricks designed to maliciously harm you in retribution for being effective at something they don't want you to be effective at. The Snowden documents go into great detail about these human destruction techniques.

It is suspected that people that do this are hired blogger/media attackers such as [For The Obama
Administration] : John Herrman, Adrian Covert, (more about him in a feature article), Patrick George ,and [for the Bush Administration] Ann Coulter, Karl Rove and Sarah Palin.

NSA tracking and special investigators have recorded and documented who did what to whom, now it is just a matter of special prosecutors and subpoenas.

Tom Ray- LAT

    The White House Wades Deeper Into Character Assassination '

    6 Aug 2009 ' The character assassination of average Americans by the White House, the DNC, Nancy Pelosi saying Americans are carrying swastikas to '

    http://www.logisticsmonster.com/ 2009/ 08/ 06/ the-white-house-wades-deeper-into-character-assassination-against-ame ricans/ ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight

    Character Assassins Of Public Figures ' OvercomeBullying.org

    The Effects of Political Character Assassination on Public Figures. ' current United States President: Barack Obama, has been targeted by character assassins for years. ' his birth certificate for public viewing on the white house. gov web-site.

    http://www.overcomebullying.org/character-assassins.html ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
        The Deadly Art of Character Assassination ' The Real Truth Magazine

        Yet many politicians run for office (seek to be hired by the voting public) by slinging ' Therefore, expect character assassination to rear its ugly head during the '

        http://www.realtruth.org/articles/167-tdaoca.html ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
        AP Starts the 2016 Character Assassination of Rick Perry, Part 2: ‘A '

        10 Jul 2013 ' But his White House run flamed out spectacularly, culminating in a debate in Michigan where Perry remembered that he'd pledged to shutter '

        http://www.newsbusters.org/ blogs/ tom-blumer/ 2013/ 07/ 10/ ap-starts-2016-character-assassination-rick-perry-part-2 ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight

        Campaign billionaire backers put a hit on a 'Green Energy' competitor who isn't in their frat club:

        The Assassination of Greg Craig ' The Daily Beast

        16 Nov 2009 ' The White House counsel was done in by a scurrilous leaks campaign. ' Side'' where insinuation and character assassination were leaked to '

        http://www.thedailybeast.com/ articles/ 2009/ 11/ 16/ the-assassination-of-greg-craig.html ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
        KNIGHT: Foiling the left's character assassination ' Washington Times

        23 Sep 2013 ' KNIGHT: Foiling the left's character assassination ' that was so much a part of our country's life and certainly our time in the White House.'.

        http://www.washingtontimes.com/ news/ 2013/ sep/ 23/ knight-foiling-the-lefts-character-assassination/ ?page=all ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
        The Art of Office War ' Tactics ' Character Assassination

        Read the The Art of Office War and learn how to be effective, successful and not only avoid office ' One Press : ‘The Art of Office War' is published in Polish under the title ‘Sztuka wojny biurowej'. Character Assassination and the Backstab.

        http://www.theartofofficewar.com/content/view/49/37/ ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
        Character assassination ' Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        Character assassination is a deliberate and sustained process that aims to destroy the credibility and ' Agents of character assassinations employ a mix of open and covert methods to achieve their ' Media spectacles. '. Public relations .

        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_assassination ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
        Romney Calls ‘Disgraceful' Obama Team's Plan for Character '

        9 Aug 2011 ' ' personal assault ' and character assassination on Romney, who it ' a prominent Democratic strategist close to the White House told Politico.

        http://www.foxnews.com/ politics/ 2011/ 08/ 09/ romney-calls-disgraceful-obama-teams-plan-for-character-assassination / ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
        Cain blasts critics for ‘character assassination‘ ' CNN Political Ticker '

        30 Nov 2011 ' 'They have been trying to do a character assassination on me,' Cain told an ' JR White Bear Lake MN. ' White House transparent? Yes says '

        politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/ 2011/ 11/ 30/ cain-accuser-describes-very-casual-affair/ ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
        Turkey: Twitter does ‘character assassination ‘ ' Yahoo News

        22 Mar 2014 ' ' in 'systematic character assassinations' a day after social media users ' A statement from the Turkish government's Public Diplomacy office '

        news.yahoo.com/ turkey-twitter-does-character-assassination-160448248'finance.html ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
        Karmapa Office to Indian Press: 'Cease Character Assassination'

        5 Feb 2011 ' The Karmapa Office of Administration appeals to the press to cease its character assassination of His Holiness the Karmapa, one of the most '

        tibetanaltar.blogspot.com/ 2011/ 02/ karmapa-office-to-indian-press-cease.html ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
        Somaliland: 'Kickbacks, Blackmail & Character Assassination '

        10 Apr 2014 ' On account of the functions & responsibilities bestowed on his office, the ' to tarnish the personality of the Minister employing media which was '

        http://www.somalilandsun.com/ index.php/ politics/ government/ 5489-somaliland-kickbacks-blackmail-a-character-assassination-perfect ed-by-gaboobe-via-haatuf-energy-a-minerals-minister-asserts- ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
        Character assassination-Jean Seberg and information control by '

        Her personal and professional life tells an important story about relations between individuals, the mass media, government repression, civil liberties, and  '

        http://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/onlinessays/JC28folder/Seberg.html ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
        Character Assassins Of Public Figures ' OvercomeBullying.org

        The Effects of Political Character Assassination on Public Figures. ' Office of the Press Secretary , The White House: Office of the Press Secretary. (2011).

        http://www.overcomebullying.org/character-assassins.html ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
    Obama immigration request: $615M to fight wildfires ' The Coloradoan

    8 Jul 2014 ' At least you are not engaging in character assassination about Obama like you normally do. ' Obama also asked Congress to add wildfires to the list of natural ' The bulk of the White House‘s funding request is for shoring up '

    http://www.coloradoan.com/ story/ news/ local/ 2014/ 07/ 08/ obama-immigration-request-m-fight-wildfires/ 12379135/ ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
    Barack Obama and the Politcs of Character Assassination ' Townhall

    8 Nov 2012 ' The president's campaign ads — models of character assassination ' Obama's in the White House for four more years without a mandate to do '

    http://www.townhall.com/ columnists/ donaldlambro/ 2012/ 11/ 08/ barack_obama__and_the_politcs_of_character_assassination ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
    Secret ‘Kill List' Tests Obama's Principles ' NYTimes.com

    29 May 2012 ' The nominations go to the White House, where by his own '. In Pakistan, Mr. Obama had approved not only 'personality' strikes aimed at '

    http://www.nytimes.com/ 2012/ 05/ 29/ world/ obamas-leadership-in-war-on-al-qaeda.html?pagewanted=all ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
    Charles Koch Responds To The Character Assassins | The Lonely '

    3 Apr 2014 ' Charles Koch Responds To The Character Assassins '. 07/18/2014: One Day After MH17, Michelle Obama Hosts ‘Party in the White House‘.

    http://www.lonelyconservative.com/ 2014/ 04/ charles-koch-responds-to-the-character-assassins/ ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
    Character assassination ' Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Character assassination is a deliberate and sustained process that aims to destroy the credibility and reputation of a person, institution, social group, or nation.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_assassination ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
    Kill Bill: Clinton is targeted for character assassination ' Americas '

    3 Jun 2008 ' Upon her return to Washington, she found the White House in disarray and discovered that Bill had been escorting Barbra Streisand around '

    http://www.independent.co.uk/ news/ world/ americas/ kill-bill-clinton-is-targeted-for-character-assassination-838891.html ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
    Barack Obama's Attempted Character Assassination of Koch '

    23 Aug 2010 ' 'Obama's coordinated character assassination campaign against anyone ' I wrote about the Obama White House engaging in the politics of '

    http://www.redstate.com/ diary/ Erick/ 2010/ 08/ 23/ barack-obamas-attempted-character-assassinate-of-the-koch-industries/ ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
    Bill O'Reilly: BillOReilly.com Column ' President Obama and ‘His '

    13 Feb 2014 ' I used to react angrily to the character assassins. ' relationship' between the president and the White House press corps no longer exists.

    http://www.billoreilly.com/column?pid=42326 ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
    ‘Character Assassination Without Due Process': Glenn Beck And Fox '

    21 Jul 2010 ' Beck: This administration is into character assassination without due process. ' Well, it's certainly true that the Obama White House earned yet '

    http://www.crooksandliars.com/ david-neiwert/ character-assassination-without-due ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
    50 Years After JFK's Death, GOP Engaging In Character '

    23 Nov 2013 ' ' sought to bring grace, history, and good works to the White House. ' Obama has been dogged by his campaign promise to close Guantanamo. ' Act be if hearing after hearing in the House had not pressured regulators to water ' been if character assassination and ideology hadn't '

    http://www.politicususa.com/2013/11/23/brand-presidential-assassination.html ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight
    Romney Calls ‘Disgraceful' Obama Team's Plan for Character '

    9 Aug 2011 ' Politico reported Tuesday that the Obama team is planning a 'ferocious personal assault ' and character assassination on Romney, who it suspects ' a prominent Democratic strategist close to the White House told Politico.

    http://www.foxnews.com/ politics/ 2011/ 08/ 09/ romney-calls-disgraceful-obama-teams-plan-for-character-assassination / ' View by Ixquick Proxy ' Highlight

The HuffPost Puts Sidney Blumenthal On Trial For Media Sins

posted by Ryan S. Jackson

Is the man who once coined the term 'vast ring wing conspiracy' now an integral part of the monster he once decried, willingly abetting a yellow journalism vendetta against Barack Obama?! Peter Drier, of the American Prospect and the Los Angeles Times (amongst others), brings forth the case against Clintonista Sidney Blumenthal:

    Former journalist Sidney Blumenthal has been widely credited with coining the term 'vast right-wing conspiracy' used by Hillary Clinton in 1998 to describe the alliance of conservative media, think tanks, and political operatives that sought to destroy the Clinton White House where he worked as a high-level aide. A decade later, and now acting as a senior campaign advisor to Senator Clinton, Blumenthal is exploiting that same right-wing network to attack and discredit Barack Obama. And he's not hesitating to use the same sort of guilt-by-association tactics that have been the hallmark of the political right dating back to the McCarthy era.

Amongst the questionable media narratives Drier accuses Blumenthal of pushing (there are many, and it is a long and winding piece):

• Obama's high school exposure to a Hawaiian Marxist poet, who Obama mentions briefly in Dreams from My Father and who has since been elevated to an Obama father-figure by hard-right press critic Cliff Kincaid.

• The recent ‘Obama as Radical Black Nationalist' narrative, and his Chicago connections to Weather Underground member William Ayers.

• A National Review article which accuses Obama of being an integral part of Chicago machine-style politics, which notes: 'Blacks adapted to both the tribalism and the corrupt patronage politics.'

• A plethora of different Tony Rezko stories.

• And lest anyone forget, the circa February ‘Obama as Cult Leader' narrative penned initially by Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer.

Hardball politics or cavorting with the enemy? Read the piece and draw your own conclusions.

Attack Dog Scumbag Sidney Blumenthal Will Hit Anybody He Is Paid To Hit

Former journalist Sidney Blumenthal has been widely credited with coining the term "vast right-wing conspiracy" used by Hillary Clinton in 1998 to describe the alliance of conservative media, think tanks, and political operatives that sought to destroy the Clinton White House where he worked as a high-level aide. A decade later, and now acting as a senior campaign advisor to Senator Clinton, Blumenthal is exploiting that same right-wing network to attack and discredit Barack Obama. And he's not hesitating to use the same sort of guilt-by-association tactics that have been the hallmark of the political right dating back to the McCarthy era.

Almost every day over the past six months, I have been the recipient of an email that attacks Obama's character, political views, electability, and real or manufactured associations. The original source of many of these hit pieces are virulent and sometimes extreme right-wing websites, bloggers, and publications. But they aren't being emailed out from some fringe right-wing group that somehow managed to get my email address. Instead, it is Sidney Blumenthal who, on a regular basis, methodically dispatches these email mudballs to an influential list of opinion shapers -- including journalists, former Clinton administration officials, academics, policy entrepreneurs, and think tankers -- in what is an obvious attempt to create an echo chamber that reverberates among talk shows, columnists, and Democratic Party funders and activists. One of the recipients of the Blumenthal email blast, himself a Clinton supporter, forwards the material to me and perhaps to others.

These attacks sent out by Blumenthal, long known for his fierce and combative loyalty to the Clintons, draw on a wide variety of sources to spread his Obama-bashing. Some of the pieces are culled from the mainstream media and include some reasoned swipes at Obama's policy and political positions.

But, rather remarkably for such a self-professed liberal operative like Blumenthal, a staggering number of the anti-Obama attacks he circulates derive from highly-ideological and militant right-wing sources such as the misnamed Accuracy in Media (AIM), The Weekly Standard, City Journal, The American Conservative, and The National Review.

To cite just one recent example, Blumenthal circulated an article taken from the fervently hard-right AIM website on February 18 entitled, "Obama's Communist Mentor" by Cliff Kincaid. Kincaid is a right-wing writer and activist, a longtime critic of the United Nations, whose group, America's Survival, has been funded by foundations controlled by conservative financier Richard Mellon Scaife, the same millionaire who helped fund attacks on the Clintons during their White House years. Scaife also funds AIM, the right-wing media "watchdog" group.

The Kincaid article that Blumenthal circulated sought to discredit Obama by linking him to an African-American poet and writer whom Obama knew while he was in high school in Hawaii. That writer, Frank Marshall Davis, was, Kincaid wrote, a member of the Communist Party. Supported by no tangible evidence, Kincaid claimed that Obama considered his relationship to Davis to be "almost like a son." In his memoir, Dreams from My Father, Obama wrote about meeting, during his teenage years, a writer named "Frank" who "had some modest notoriety once" and with whom he occasionally discussed poetry and politics. From this snippet, Kincaid weaves an incredulous tale that turns Davis into Obama's "mentor."

Kincaid's piece had been previously circulating within the right-wing blogosphere, but Blumenthal sought to inject the story into more respectable opinion circles by amplifying it in his email blast.

In the same piece, Kincaid, expanding his guilt-by-association tactics, also wrote that Obama "came into contact with more far-left political forces," including former Weather Underground member William Ayers. Until a few weeks ago, Obama's tangential connection with Ayers -- whose 1960s anti-war terrorism occurred when Obama was in grade school -- was echoing among right-wing bloggers.

Some Clinton supporters who also knew about Ayers have been discreetly trying to catapult the story out of the right-wing sandbox into the wider mainstream media. On April 9, Fox News' Sean Hannity interviewed fellow right-winger Karl Rove, who raised the Ayers-Obama connection. The next day, ABC News reporter Jake Tapper wrote about Ayers in his Political Punch blog. The following week, on his radio show, Hannity suggested to his guest, George Stephanopoulos, that he ask Obama about his relationship with Ayers at the upcoming Philadelphia presidential debate. Stephanopoulos, who was Bill Clinton's press secretary, replied, "Well, I'm taking notes." The following night during the April 16 nationally televised Presidential debate, Stephanopoulos dutifully asked Obama about Ayers, who is now a professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

One can only speculate how much influence Blumenthal did or did not have in elevating the Ayers story into the mainstream media and into the national political debate. What is certain is that Blumenthal sought to keep this classic red-baiting controversy alive.

Blumenthal's April 24 email dispatch featured a two-year old article by Sol Stern, published in City Journal, sponsored by the right-wing Manhattan Institute. The article, from the journal's Summer 2006 issue, doesn't mention Obama. Why would Blumenthal resurrect it now? The article, entitled "The Ed Schools' Latest--and Worst--Humbug," was, instead, a frontal attack on Ayers' views on educational theory and policy. Blumenthal obviously wasn't trying to offer enlightenment on educational policy or Obama's positions on school reform as much as he was presumably trying to keep Ayers' name, and his controversial past, in the public eye.

As a follow-up punch, Blumenthal again dipped directly into the "vast right wing conspiracy" by retrieving and circulating an article from the current issue of National Review -- the staunchly conservative opinion journal founded by William F. Buckley. The piece, titled "The Obama Way," was penned by Fred Siegel who, like Sol Stern, is a former 60s leftist who has moved to the opposite end of the political spectrum, serving at one point as a political advisor to Rudy Giuliani. Siegel's piece links Obama to corrupt Chicago machine politics, observing that "Blacks adapted to both the tribalism and the corrupt patronage politics" of Chicago's Democratic Party. In the process, he manages to throw in as many spurious ad hominem attacks on Obama as he can, calling him a "friend of race-baiters" and a "man who would lead our efforts against terrorism yet was friendly with Bill Ayers, the unrepentant 1960s terrorist."

When Blumenthal worked in the White House, a big thorn in Bill Clinton's side was the Weekly Standard, the right-wing magazine edited by William Kristol and owned by Rupert Murdoch. But in mid-February, Blumenthal's email attack featured an article, "Republicans Root for Obama," written by Weekly Standard executive editor and Fox News talking head Fred Barnes. That same month, Blumenthal also offered up a piece by Scott McConnell, titled "Untested Savior," that appeared in The American Conservative (a magazine founded by Pat Buchanan) claiming that Obama "would probably lead them [Democrats] to disaster in November."

When Blumenthal isn't relying directly on anti-Obama smears from the extreme right, he's pumping up more traditionally sourced material, from the Washington Post, New Republic, and other publications, to question and damage Obama's character and electability. On several occasions, Blumenthal has circulated articles from the Chicago Sun Times and the Chicago Tribune about Obama's ties to developer Tony Rezko, a relationship Obama has said he regrets. In one email, Blumenthal wrote: "The record on Obama's fabled 'judgement'? So how would he conduct himself in those promised summits without preconditions with Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong Il, Chavez, Castro, and Assad? Let's look at how he did with Tony Rezko."

Earlier this year, one theme pushed by Clinton supporters and buoyed by Blumenthal's efforts, was that Obama's appeal was similar to that of a messianic cult leader. Obama's capacity to inspire people was reframed as a kind of malevolent force, as though his followers would somehow willingly drink poisoned Kool-Aid if Obama so demanded. In his February 7 Time magazine column, "Inspiration vs. Substance," writer Joe Klein, who, like Blumenthal, worked on the Boston alternative paper, The Real Paper, in the 1970s, wrote: "There was something just a wee bit creepy about the mass messianism -- 'We are the ones we've been waiting for' -- of the Super Tuesday speech and the recent turn of the Obama campaign." That same morning, Blumenthal sent the Klein column to his email list. Later that day, in his Political Punch blog, ABC News reporter Jake Tapper wrote, "The Holy Season of Lent is upon us. Can Obama worshippers try to give up their Helter-Skelter cultish qualities for a few weeks?" (Update: In response to OffTheBus, Tapper is categorical in denying that he in any way relied upon Blumenthal or was influenced by Blumenthal in the production or in the writing of this story or his reports on William Ayers or the Obama "cult")

The following day, in the Los Angeles Times, columnist Joel Stein wrote: "Obamaphilia has gotten creepy. What the Cult of Obama doesn't realize is that he is a politician."

After this idea had bounced around the media echo chamber for a few days, the liberal watchdog group Media Matters for America, run by David Brock, posted a summary on February 8 of the sudden outbreak of "cult" references about Obama. It was headlined: "Media figures call Obama supporters' behavior 'creepy,' compare them to Hare Krishna and Manson followers." The next day, Blumenthal sent the Media Matters piece to his email list. A few days later, the New York Times' Paul Krugman, a Clinton supporter, weighed in with a column, "Hate Springs Eternal," in which he wrote, "I'm not the first to point out that the Obama campaign seems dangerously close to a cult of personality." Nor would he be the last. Four days later, Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer, an arch conservative, penned a column entitled, "The Audacity of Selling Hope" in which he simply quoted Klein, Tapper, Stein, and Krugman.

One of Blumenthal's associates scoffs at the notion that there's anything vaguely conspiratorial about these emails and that a number of the people on the list-serve are also the authors of the pieces he sends out. "They're just Sid's friends," he told me. This is, in fact, the very definition of an echo chamber. People in the opinion-shaping business also seek to influence other opinion-makers, who then bounce their ideas through their overlapping outlets -- newspapers, magazines, talk shows, websites, blogs, and social and political fundraising circles. The connections are so incestuous that it's hard to untangle where the "feedback loop" begins and ends.

Among those whose names show up as recipients of Blumenthal's emails are writers and journalists Craig Unger, Edward Jay Epstein, Thomas Edsall (Politics Editor of the Huffington Post), Joe Conason, Gene Lyons (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette columnist and author of The Hunting of the President: The Ten Year Campaign to Destroy Bill and Hillary Clinton), John Judis, Eric Alterman, Christine Ockrent, David Brock, Reza Aslan, Harold Evans, and Josh Marshall; academics and think tankers Todd Gitlin (Columbia U sociologist), Karen Greenberg (NYU law school), Sean Wilentz (Princeton historian), Michael Lind, William M. Drozdiak, and Richard Parker; and former Clinton administration officials John Ritch, James Rubin, Derek Shearer, and Joe Wilson.

Not all of Blumenthal's recipients, or those who, like me, receive the emails second-hand, are Clinton supporters.

Before and after his service in the Clinton White House, Blumenthal wrote for the New Yorker, New Republic, Washington Post, the Guardian, and Salon, where he was often accused of engaging in partisan journalism.

In the Clinton administration, Blumenthal was primarily a behind-the-scenes strategist, but often found himself speaking in front of the cameras and on the record. In both roles, he was known as a committed Clintonista who played hardball. He's demonstrated those same traits since joining Hillary's campaign as a senior advisor last November.

Presidential politics can get down and dirty, and Blumenthal is a master at the game. Some Obama supporters might even wish that his campaign would resort to similar tactics. If it did, there would be no shortage of anti-Hillary screeds by the "vast right-wing conspiracy" activists and writers, such as surfacing the photo of Rev. Jeremiah Wright with Bill Clinton at a prayer breakfast at the White House in 1998, invited by the president in the midst of his Lewinsky scandal. Indeed, the right-wingers probably hate Hillary more than they dislike Obama.

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